Thursday, September 17, 2015

Things My Israeli Students Have Said To Me

They're too cute not to share: 

Teacher: "Can you tell me English words that start with S?" 
Student 1: "Snake!"
Student 2: "Sand!"
Kid Who Knows What's Up: (whispers hopefully) "Star Wars!"

A 5th Grade Girl To Me: "I like your hair. It's ombré!"

In the 4th grade English class, the teacher is having the students wordlessly act out English letters and have their classmates call out guesses to which one they are. One little boy is so excited to volunteer that he's jumping up and down and waving his arms around! When he finally gets up to the front of the room, he faces the poster of the English alphabet, settles on a letter and the turns to face the class. Then he throws himself backwards and falls to the floor!
English teacher: (turns to me and whispers) "He's the letter "i". You know like "Ayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!"  

Another 5th Grade Girl: "What's your phone number?" 

Little Girl: "Are you from Holland?"

6th Grade Girl: "Where do you live?"
Hannah: "In America? I live in Vermont!"
Girl: "No. Here!"
Hannah: "I live in Beit She'an now!"
Girl: "Where!?"
Hannah: "Near the city center."
Girl: "No, what is your address!!!?"

My students would reallllllllllllly like to get in touch and stay in touch with me. Luckily, I do not have an Israeli number yet, nor actually know my address off the top of my head, or even know how to pronounce it. If I knew either and gave them out, I would easily have students messaging me on What's-App or even showing up and walking right into our house. This actually happened a couple days ago with one of my roommates after she began teaching at one of the local religious schools. She happened to be away over the weekend, so when two of her little students just let themselves into our house, she was not there. Instead myself and a different roommate were lounging around with our feet up on the couches in various states of gym clothes looking pretty unprofessional - more like college kids than English teachers. The last thing we expected were two Israeli girls to suddenly be in our living room, but they walked right in looking for their teacher!!! 

Teacher: "Can you tell me English words that start with W?" 
 Little Boy in the Back of Class: "WWE!!!!!!"
[Professional wrestling]

And my personal favourite at the moment:

Little 6th Grade Boy, trying to tell me that he has a little dog at home, but forgetting the word for dog: "I have a little bitch!"

*P.S. There may be a quite a few spelling errors in this post. I spend most of my day speaking to people in a user-friendly broken English, or using the Israeli "ayyyyyyyyhhhhhhh" to fill up space as I try to think of the right way to phrase a sentence so I can be understood. It eventually begins to effect your thinking and writing too!


  1. Enjoying your blog so much! Thanks for making time to include many of us in your adventure.

  2. That Star Wars kid may just be the awesomest kid you've got.

    Also, I don't know how I didn't see this post until today.
